Jinan HonorFuture Machinery CO.,Ltd
High quality CNC machine Manufacturer
Co2 Laser machine normal problem and solutions 2
Source: | Author:honorfuture | Published time: 2012-05-08 | 836 Views | Share:
​This is two normal problems and sulutions for co2 laser machine. cutting or engraving depth is not ideal, pc and machine is not online.
Co2 Laser machine normal problem and solutions 2

3, cutting / engraving depth is not ideal

Whether the cutting/engraving processing parameters are normal: Set the appropriate processing parameters.
Is the laser power setting normal: Set the laser power correctly.
Laser output is weak: see point 2.

4, the computer and equipment are not online

Scan switch is on: Turn on the scan switch.
Is the motion system energized: Check that the motion system is powered and normal.
Is the DSP motion control card damaged: Replace the DSP motion control card.
Is the signal cable loose: Reinsert the signal cable plug and secure it.