Jinan HonorFuture Machinery CO.,Ltd
High quality CNC machine Manufacturer
Laser machine normal problem and solutions 1
Source: | Author:honorfuture | Published time: 2012-05-06 | 873 Views | Share:
​This is two normal problems and sulutions for co2 laser machine.
Co2 Laser machine normal problem 1

1, boot on without any reflection

Whether the power fuse is burnt out: replace the fuse.
Is the power input normal: Check the power input and make it normal.
Is the main power switch damaged: Replace the main power switch.

2, no laser output or laser is weak

Whether the optical path is offset: Carefully adjust the optical path.
Whether the reflective lens is contaminated or damaged: clean or replace the reflective lens.
Whether the focal length of the device changes: refocus the focus.
Concentration of the focusing mirror: Clean the focusing mirror.
Cooling Whether the water quality or water temperature is normal: Replace the clean cooling water to bring the temperature to a normal value.
Whether the cooling water circulates: clear the cooling waterway.
Is the laser tube damaged or aged: Replace the laser tube.
Whether the laser power is on: Check the laser power supply circuit to make it normal.
Whether the temperature of the whole machine is too high: 1. Shut down to let the temperature drop; 2. Ventilate to strengthen the heat of the machine; 3. Adjust the ambient temperature.
Is the laser power supply damaged: Replace the laser power supply.

This is two normal problems and sulutions for co2 laser machine.